Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's About Time

Well we FINALLY got a new computer, actually Shane bought it for me for my 3?th birthday (I still tell people i'm 28 and they believe me, so i'll stick with that until someone questions me). Now i have a computer i can trust to store my pictures on. So i'll post them as soon as i figure out how. I'm what a computer nerd would call a computer idiot! I'm not computer savvy at all. But i'm sure i'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Andrew's class is learning how to make movies or something like that so i'm sure he'll teach me a thing or two if i ask, after he makes fun of me. Jake started kindergarten and he is loving it!! In fact my threat is, "if you don't do ... then you can't go to school tomorrow". Cameron is lonely now. She's sad because her best friend (Jake)is gone for part of the day, so daddy has to entertain while mommy is at work. Today i came home and found her in the mud while Shane was weeding (at least my yard looks great). Maybe soon i'll post pictures.


jenn w said...

Yay Jenny! Hooray for the new computer. Im so excited you started this blog. Its about time! :) I hope one of your children (ha ha) will hurry and show you how to upload a pic or two.

fromjosh2u said...

Welcome to the internet!
You should create a FLICKR account (www.flickr.com) to post your pictures on. Its completely free and safe and is the most popular photo storing and sharing website. It is owned by Yahoo (so if you have a yahoo account, you can use that as your signon).

Your off to a good start! Keep it up!


kim said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Hope you enjoy and get as addicted as the rest of us, but update more than Jenny W!!!